SEO Packages

SEOLeapFrog will make your website jump up on the search engines. Whether it is a new business you are marketing or an older business that needs to improve its internet visibility; SEOLeapFrog is your best solution for higher rankings, better marketing, interesting content and increased revenue.

Take advantage of our free consult! SEOLeapFrog will present you with valuable information so that you can learn about how SEO works and how it promotes success. Take a look at our three packages. You can reach your goals, within your budget. We offer a variety of Viral Marketing Solutions.

Contact us today to learn what SEOLeapFrog can do for you specifically. You deserve personal attention, confidentiality and a back end support system you can rely on.

About SEO Packages:

What are keywords?

SEOLeapFrog will incorporate influential words in the content of your site. We analyze what users search for in order to find your product. The right Keywords should bring clients to your site.

What is an internal website audit?

We will study the strength of your current site and determine what needs to happen in order to make it LeapFrog over your competitors.

What exactly is "campaign monitoring and adjustments"?

While your SEO campaign is always running, your SEO strategy and campaign setting will require adjustments to stay ahead of the ever changing search engine algorythms. These adjusments are typically made on a monthly basis, however those on the "Leap" or "Platinum" plan have the added benefit of having their campaign strategy and settings reviewed and adjusted on a weekly or daily basis.

SEOLeapFrog is a full SEO Service offering Quality Intelligence and Results.

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